Sunday, 16 September 2012

Not long to go

I can't believe that in just nine days time we will know if we have been approved as adopters!!  After all these months and months, of what seems like an eternity, we will know if we have been progressed to the next stage.

It's been a interesting few weeks with, in hindsight, lots of activity.  And lots of welcome activity.  There have been meetings, courses and readings.  We've been lucky enough to have some really interesting and insightful conversations with a handful of different people and are both feeling positive and hopeful.  We even painted the spare room today and got rid of the old double bed that was in there.  It looks like such a different room now, not at all like the room it was at the start of this process.

So, at this very moment in 9 days time it'll either tears of joy or tears and tantrums.  Either way, there will be tears.