Saturday, 10 March 2012

No more avoiding the issue

Yesterday was our third (three hour) session with our social worker and so far things are going along quite nicely.  We have one more session next week and then nothing for a month.  As it is we are getting quite a bit of 'homework' after each visit including creating genograms and chronological list of previous address, jobs and key events in our lives to date. Who knows what we'll get after the next visit.
One thing for sure is that we are going to have to look into our finances.  I understand the reasons behind it but to have someone routing through our spending habits is going to be a bitter pill to swallow.  It is the only part of the process that scares me as if we don't meet their expectations it could delay or even terminate proceedings.  That would be totally devastating.

So now it's unavoidable and we have to face the elephant in the room.  It's time for super scrimping, paying off debts and generally being frugal and keep an eye on those purse strings.  Let's put this into prospective though, we are no way at poverty's door but I don't think I could ever forgive myself if finance was the only reason we were refused.

We were given the exact date we are expected to go to panel so we have a very clear goal.  'Anything it takes' is the mantra we have to live by for the next six months at least.  Save money now, rich in love later.

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