Monday, 9 April 2012

Hoping for an A+

It's been a interesting and busy couple of weeks.  It's funny how all aspects of your life seems to revolve around children when you are in the middle of this process.  We've spent the long weekend thinking none stop about what kind of parents we would be.  And what a better way to finish off the Easter weekend than by doing homework!!!  This coming week is our first assessment session with our social worker in a little over a month.  In preparation we've had to complete our family trees, monthly budgets, financial forecast and a questionnaire about our community and local area.  I hope she's happy with what we have come up with, it's been a long time since I had to hand in homework.

For the earlier part of the Bank Holiday weekend we visited friends and their little girl.  We had a great time and even visited a local Safari Park.  Little G is a darling girl and although we have always thought we'd have a son, we would be over the moon if we had a girl who turned out like little G.  It was great spending the two days with them.  And over all that time little G only had one mini tantrum, but in fairness, she was really tired and toddled off to bed not long after.  The deal we struck meant that we had to read her a bedtime story, one of her favourite Mr Men books.
On the Sunday morning, following a very late night (1.30am is very late for us), there was a knock on the bedroom door at 7.00am and a very excited G-Bear can bundling into the bedroom and plonked herself in the space between us.  After 10 minutes of very excited chat, G was off again to find some hidden Easter eggs.  I turned to David and said "This is what it's going to be like everyday!" as we looked at each other excited, scared but still very tired.

Even a night out seeing Kylie Minogue in concert earlier last week ended in adoption talk.  Not with Kylie I might add!
On the way home I bumped into a local couple I have been chatting with on line who have a young adopted son.  Although we had all had a couple of drinks (they were still enjoying a well deserved night out) we had a really good chat about their process and their son.  It was really very encouraging as they laid some of my fears to rest and reassured me that we were on the right track.  They left me feel more confident about our progress.

So the homework is done and we are even more ready and eager.  Our next meeting is on Thursday and I'm sure it will bring a new challenge.  Bring it on!! We're ready for you!

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