Friday, 27 July 2012

We're getting there

Isn't funny how time races away from you when life is busy?  Even at the moment, we don't even have a little one to run around after, but there never seems to be enough time.  I meant to write an entry last weekend but I suppose it's better late than never!!!

Last Saturday we met up with some of the member of our prep group in Central London.  It was the first time we'd seen any of them since the workshops finished in February although we've mostly stayed in contact via email.  I don't think anyone knew how it would go as, in reality, we didn't really know each other but the conversation flowed easily and it was really interesting hearing about everyone's process and experiences.  I really bonded with L, even at prep group, and now that we learned that we will be sharing our social worker there is an even stronger bond.  It was great to be able to share some of the things we have experienced with her and let her know our thoughts about our social worker.  Luckily, our thoughts were good ones and compared with some of the experiences the others have had we were in an excellent position.  And talking of positions, it appears that we are further into the process than anyone else.  Now I know this isn't a race (if anything this is the hardcore training before the long race) but to have people who are in the exact same boat smile at you and say, "You could be the first to be placed with a child" was quite something.  I had to use all the will power I had just to stop myself from getting too excited.
I also enjoyed chatting with J & A.  A is a funny fella and has lots of similar ideas( wacky as they may be) to me.  We also learnt that one prep group couple had decide not to proceed with the adoption.  It just goes to show that this process isn't for everyone, only those who are really determined. 

On a lighter note, we had a trip to IKEA on Sunday and bought a new wardrobe so we could start to clear out the spare room for little one.  Whilst there we ticked a few things off our 'health and safety list' as provided by our social worker and bought a Sun light-shade, the first step on transforming the spare room into a kiddies room.

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