Saturday, 27 October 2012

Countdown to matching panel

So, we've had confirmation that there is one more hurdle to leap before the pieces of the puzzle are put together. In a months time we will facing the panel yet again but this time to be matched with our little one.  It's hard to believe how close this is, how real this is becoming.

Next week we meet little one's foster carers.  I'm expecting it to be an emotional meeting, for them as much as us.  They have invested so much into little one, how will they feel about meeting the people who will potential be replacing them.  On the plus side they will be able to tell us so much about little one.  They are the ones who know her best.

Little one's bedroom is coming on very slowly although I'm sure that over the next few weeks the pace will pick up a bit.  Every now and then we pop out and come back with a few new pieces.  Today we finally collected the bed our friend gave us.  I imagine it won't actually be put together for a little while yet.  We also got some gorgeous material which D is going to make into curtains, he's a more versatile man than I.

So it 4 weeks and counting till the big decision and probably six weeks until little one is home IF all goes according to plan! Can you believe??

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