Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The pieces are finally fitting together

Today was a pretty amazing day!!!

We had our second approval panel in 8 weeks.  This time it was to be matched to little one.  Despite there being much more riding on this panel we weren't as nervous as out last panel, but don't be fooled into thinking we weren't nervous.  I can tell you, we were nervous!  We had a better idea of what to expect but ultimately this was a bunch of people telling us we could or couldn't become parents to little one!

The panel, made up of the lovely chair-lady and a few other faces we remembered from last time, grilled us slightly and then sent us out into the waiting room.  Only a few minutes later the lovely chair-lady came into waiting room to deliver the verdict.  She cracked and wide smile and said "The answer, of course, is Yes!!"  Apparently it was a unanimous decision!

We were both totally overwhelmed, and excited, and happy, and relieved and hopefully.

It's hard to think that of all of the people we met at our prep group in January this year, we are the first to actually be matched to a child.  More importantly it's hard to believe that, even despite all of the work we've put in and after all of the meetings we've sat through, we are finally on track to become dads.

So now yet another countdown begins.  Next week we have our introduction meeting to discuss how, when and where we will begin to connect with our child.  I like saying that, 'our child'.  But that's what 'she' is now.  For so long we've thought about little one but know we can really think about what it will be like when she is here in a few weeks time.

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