Saturday, 15 December 2012

It's the final countdown...da da da da!!

Dare we dream to believe that in one month's time little one will be at home, with us, and we'll be a family.

In the meantime it's only a 4 day wait until we meet her for the first time.  I'm pretty sure that this will be the longest 4 days we've had to endure for some time.  We know so much about little one but to actually meet her, in the flesh, is going to be a totally different kettle of fish.  What will she think of us?  Will she have any understanding of who we are and what this means for her?  What if hates us!

We were warned not to expect too much on the first day but how amazing would it be if little one gave us both a big smile and a big hug as we walked in the room.  And how mind blowing would it be if she were to refer to us as Dad and Daddy.  But like I said, dare we dream to believe.  I suppose we'll find out soon enough.


  1. When we met our two they recognized us straight away! so don't be surprised took a bit longer to name us but they were only just nearly one and two at the time.This is a very exciting time for you both and of course your little one as its so life changing for all involved.Look after yourselves,treat yourselves but most of all celebrate what little time you will have to yourselves as life is about to change big time!

    Have a wonderful Christmas
    lol Hubelly
