Wednesday 13 February 2013

One month in....

Four weeks ago today we collected Little One from her foster careers for the last time and brought her home.  Four weeks doesn't sound like a long time but in some ways it feels like Little One has been with us forever.  Of those that have already met her, most can't believe she has only been with us for such a short time.
We still have to pinch ourselves to believe how lucky we have been with our process.  Little has settled better than ever expected and is already a pre-school.  We had originally thought that we would have to be in quarantine until the dust settled but that seems to have happened almost over night.

Here are some of the occurrences that have made us feel like a family:
1) the first time someone looked at Little One and said "Is this your daddy".
2) the first set of freshly washed toddler clothing on the washing line.
3) the first day Little One woke up and said "Good morning daddy" with her beautiful smile.
4) the first tears that were wiped away and big dad hug given.
5) the first drop off at pre-school.  She cried, I cried.
6) our first trip to the swimming pool.
7) the first time we had to wake up in the middle of the night and try to soothe her back to sleep.
8) the first time we had guests over to witness our little family unit.
9) the first time I saw her sleeping after a very tiring day.
10) the first time Little One said 'I love you'

We had our first review with the social workers last week.  Thankfully everyone was in agreement that everything is going well and no-one has any concerns about the placement.  Phew!  We recently met the Health Visitor from the doctors surgery who also came to the meeting.  We'd only met her twice before the review so were unsure what/how much she'd have to input to the meeting.  Her comments about her observations almost made us cry, they were so unexpected but very welcomed.

I'm not going to lie, I'm tired half the time and any downtime is greatly received but Little One is a total joy and such a great personality.  She loves to sing and the other day we taught her a song which she now sings all the time.  It's our take on a disco classic. It goes like this....
"We are family, I got my two daddies with me!"


  1. Every time I read one of your blog entries - I'm left with tears in my eyes. Beautiful!

  2. Me too! Thanks for the latest update Dave...I've been looking out for it almost daily. I'm so so pleased that all is going so wonderfully well.

  3. I'm so happy for you all. Toddlerhood is the most challenging but equally the most rewarding time. Enjoy your family, you all deserve it (ps I still sometimes cry at nursery drop off, as does Bubba)

  4. I found your blog through the WASO and really loved this post i scrolled down to, cheekily. Hats off to you to be able to think in sentences to write after your little one is home - I have just started my blog 5 months on and i am still shattered x
