Monday, 7 January 2013

Introductions - Day 1

So it wasn't technically day one as we met Little one a couple of times in December and Skyped on Christmas Day but today was formally the first day of the introduction period.

We were up early this morning filled with anticipation and excitement.  When we arrived at her foster home Little One as a little shy at first but soon warmed up thanks to Mickey Mouse and Peppa Pig!

Our first parental task was getting Little one to use the loo as we were planning to head out on our first trip, just the three of us.  The first attempt proved fruitless, as did the second and the third.  Finally on the fourth attempt we had success.

After lunch, and with a fully packed backpack, we loaded Little One into her new car seat and headed off to the Discovery Play Centre.  After parking the car and strolling through the shopping centre on-route, I felt like the proudest man alive.  She was such a good girl.  And then when we finally arrived at the play centre, Little One exploded with excited as she played on all of the activities.  Her favourite was the slide, she like that a lot and squealed with delight as she came down it.  Even after the umpteenth time.

All too soon (for her that is) it was time to head home.  Her parting joy was wanting to ride all the escalators, the things that kids enjoy.  We finally arrived back at her foster home and Little One relayed the excitement of her day much to everyone's glee.

And then it was time to leave but Little One didn't want that.  If it was up to her we would have stayed longer and I must say, we were very tempted.

The best part of the day was being called Dad and Daddy.  Out of nowhere her little voice would shout out 'Come over here Dad'.  I couldn't help but grin.  I've always wanted to hear those words aimed at me.

So tomorrow is another day and one day closer to Little One being home for good.

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