Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Little One is home!

At long long last our little one is home.  I can't tell you how happy and relieved we both are although this morning the emotions were very different.

Poor Little One's foster carers were so upset and despite their best efforts to hide it it was plan to see.  Daddy and I were both totally choked up.  It was impossible to revel in the fact that Little One was coming home when it is evident how much it hurts someone else but the reality of it is that everyone know this was coming.  We will always be grateful for what they have done and Little One will never forget them.

On the way home we stopped off at the Sainsbury's and had a hilarious moment.  Little One, who by the way is very vocal, was to be heard calling both of us Daddy.  The woman on the till looked at both of us and then at Little One before giving us that confused looked that I am assuming we will be getting a lot in the future.  It made us both giggle.

We had another good day today.  No real issues but we are going to have to work on the old potty training. A couple of wet pull-ups were had today but then again it is only to be expected that we might take a few steps backwards.

Bedtime on the other hand was another story!!  Poor Little One tried all the tricks to avoid going to bed but Dad power was the champion in that war.  The battle consisted of 15 minutes of screaming and bawling but in the end she drifted off.  Let's just hope she sleeps through the night.  Tomorrow could be a totally different kind of day.  We're expecting her to ask when she is going home or where her foster carers are but we are ready to face whatever the day brings.

First official job tomorrow, registering at the doctor's surgery!!!!


  1. Hey, Dave and David, Congratulations. I am very happy for you. Truly Happy. Let the games begin !
    Tony Tsindos.

  2. Hi guys well done and good luck, we strt our intros with our son in 2 weeks and your blog has helped us prepare for what is to come.

    1. Hi
      I'm glad that the blog has helped. I hope your introductions go well, it's such an emotional experience but worth it in the end.
      Good luck.
