Saturday, 12 January 2013

Introductions - Day 6

Little One arrived at 10 this morning along with her foster parents and their children.  The kids were so keen to see our dog and they weren't disappointed.  Apparently that was all they spoke about all the way home.  The foster family stayed for about 45 minutes and all was well until they left.  When the door closed Little One burst into tears, the first real tears we have ever seen from Little One.  Luckily Little One is a tough cookie and within a few minutes cuddles from Dad had pacified her.  From them on it was business as usual.

After lunch we headed off to the park.  This was the first time that Little One had been out walking with the dog.  For all the worries we had they are getting on fine.  A little bit more bonding needed but that will come with time.

Little One met lost for our neighbours today and got a few presents.  They all loved her.  And why wouldn't they?  She is gorgeous specimen, we are so proud to be her parents.

We spent the remainder of the day just being a family.  It was all so normal and natural that we almost forget we had to bring her back to her foster parents.  We finally got her back and (although she should have been knackered and ready for bed) she was in her element having Dad and Daddy and her foster mum and dad fussing over her.  Her foster family are having a farewell party for her tomorrow.  The emotions are so raw.  Although they are happy for her it is so clear to see how much they are going to miss her.  It's totes emotsh (Little One, I'll explain that to you in a few years time!)

It must be so confusing for Little One.  The people she has know and loved and the people she is learning to loved keep popping in and out of her life.  As we were leaving she said 'Daddies stay here!' with a sad look on her face.  We waved goodbye and said see you soon.  As the front door closed we heard her start crying.  Whilst it was horrible to hear her cry it is a good sign to know that she misses us.  Is that wrong???

We won't be seeing Little One tomorrow, it's quite a sad thought as we miss her so much already.

The good news is.......we might have her home a day earlier that originally thought!! God please!!!!

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